Ample Guitar M Lite II

Ample Guitar M Lite II is a free virtual guitar plugin developed by Ample Sound, designed to bring the sound of a real acoustic guitar into your digital audio workstation (DAW). This plugin is particularly popular among musicians and producers who are looking for high-quality guitar sounds without breaking the bank.


  • Realism: The plugin is known for its highly detailed and meticulously sampled sound engine. Every note resonates with astonishing realism, making it nearly indistinguishable from a physical guitar.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigating through the virtual instrument is a breeze, thanks to its intuitive and straightforward interface. This ensures a smooth workflow, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional.

  • Multiple Articulations: The plugin offers a wide range of articulations, including slides, hammer-ons, pull-offs, trills, and more. This allows you to infuse your music with authenticity and emotion.

  • Playable Strumming: One of the standout features is its ability to deliver natural and expressive strumming patterns. The instrument reacts intuitively to your playing style, adapting to your nuances with grace.

  • Dynamic Articulation Control: The expressive power of the plugin extends to the fine-tuning of articulations, giving you control over the nuances of your performance.


  • High-Quality Sound: The sound quality is exceptional, with a great balance of warmth and clarity. Even complex jazz chords sound pleasant.

  • Versatility: The plugin is suitable for various genres, from pop and rock to more intricate styles.

  • Free: Being a free plugin, it offers incredible value for money, making it accessible to everyone.


  • Limited Articulations: Compared to its paid counterparts, the Lite version has fewer articulations and features.

  • File Size: The plugin is relatively large, weighing in at over 800 MB.


Overall, Ample Guitar M Lite II is an excellent choice for musicians and producers looking for a high-quality acoustic guitar sound without spending any money. Its realistic sound, intuitive interface, and versatile features make it a valuable addition to any music production setup.


DiscoDSP OB-Xd


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